Avengers (vol. 1) #502
Title: “Chaos: Part Three of Four”
Medium: comic
Cover date: Nov. 2004
48 characters in this story:
A note about the character list on this page: The previous issue (Avengers #501) ended with a two-page spread depicting an amazing assemblage of super-heroes who answered the emergency call the full-time Avengers team sent out when the Scarlet Witch attacked them. Over 35 super-heroes (nearly all of whom have been Avengers at one point in time) were shown in that two-page spread.
Avengers #502 opens up with a copy of that same two-page spread picture, but it has been reduced in size to appear a single panel on page. In the story that follows, the attack by the Scarlet Witch continues, as an armada of Kree warriors from space descend upon the Avengers mansion to attack it. The armada is probably something conjured up from thin air by the Scarlet Witch's reality-altering hex powers. This issue depicts the assembled super-heroes battling the Kree. Some of the assembled heroes are shown quite a bit in this battle, but others may be seen only tangentially, in the background in a few panels. Suffice it to say that the heroes listed here are part of the battle, although they might not be given much coverage "on panel."
Often we would carefully count how many panels an individual character appears in and that information would be used to indicate a "3-panel cameo" (or the like) for character's appearance in a given issue. We are not doing that for this issue.
The characters who feature most prominently in this issue are listed at the top: Hawkeye, Captain America, Warbird (Carol Danvers) and Falcon.