The New Adventures of Superboy #7
Title: “The Computers That Saved Metropolis!”
Medium: comic
Cover date: July 1980
Publisher:Number of Pages: 32
1 characters in this story:
Character (Click links for info about character and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.) |
Religious Affiliation |
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Pub. | # app. |
Kryptonians; Super Friends... | 13,409 |
Reprints of this comic:
Legion of Super-Heroes (vol. 2) #265 (June 1980): "The Computers That Saved Metropolis!"
"The Computers That Saved Metropolis!" is a feature-length comic book story which was an advertisement for Radio Shack, advertising the TRS-80 computer. In the story, two young people (Alec and Shanna) use the TRS-80 to help Superman save Metropolis.