The New Mutants Annual #6
Title: “The Once and Future Mutant”
Medium: comic
Cover date: 1990
1 characters in this story:
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Pub. | # app. |
Horsemen of Apocalypse; W.H.O. | 39 |
Cover Date: 1990
Publisher: Marvel Story 1: The Once and Future Mutant Story Note: Part 3 of 4-part story also featured in other annuals from this year: Fantastic Four (part 1), X-Factor (part 2) and X-Men (part 4) Pages: 39 Credits (as printed) Writer: Louise Simonson Pencillers: Terry Shoemaker, Chris Wozniak Inkers: Scott Williams, Al Milgrom, Art Thibert, Harry Candelario Letterer: Joe Rosen Colorist: Brad Vancata Assistant Editor: Suzanne Gaffney Executive Editor: Mark Gruenwald Editor: Bob Harras Editor in Chief: Tom DeFalco Story 2: Tribute the Second Pages: 10 Credits (as printed) Writer: Peter David Penciler: Gavin Curtis Inker: Dan Panosian Letterer: Joe Rosen Colorist: Tom Vincent Editor: Bob Harras Editor in Chief: Tom DeFalco Cover Cover Price: $2.00 Cover Artist(s): Rob Liefeld, Scott Williams Cover Blurb(s): Guest Starring: The Fantastic Four! Doug Ramsey & the New Mutants of the Future!; Days of Future Present: Part Three of Four; 64 Pages Featured on Cover: Cypher (Doug Ramsey) of the future, Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith), Sunspot, Sentinel robots, two mutant-hunting mutants known as "hounds" Shown in Corner Box: [no illustration] A Glimpse Into the Future! 2-page spread pin-up illustration drawn by Rob Liefeld. A box has following text: "A Glimpse into the Future! We saw one timeline for the New Mutants in this ish -- Here's another that may occur sooner than you thing!" Picture shows the following characters, a collection which includes the current New Mutants roster and the characters soon to comprise the cast of the final issues of The New Mutants and the subsequent series X-Force: Rictor, Boom Boom (Tabitha Smith), Cable, Wolfsbane (in full wolf form), Magma, Magik (Illyana Rasputin), Sunspot, Cannonball, Warlock, Shatterstar Pin-up 1-page illustration of Cable. Artist: Rob Liefeld. Copy: "A Mighty Marvel Pin-Up! The sensational leader of the New Mutants! CABLE!" |