
The X-Men (vol. 1) #30 (Mar. 1967):
“The Warlock Wakes!”
by Roy Thomas, Jack Sparling, John Tartaglione

The X-Men (vol. 1) #30

Title: “The Warlock Wakes!”

Medium: comic

Cover date: Mar. 1967

Publisher: Marvel
Written by: Roy Thomas
Art by: Jack Sparling, John Tartaglione

28 characters in this story:

(Click links for info about character
and his/her religious practice, affiliation, etc.)
Pub. #
Cyclops Cyclops (Scott Summers) hero
CBR Scale: SCBR Scale: I Protestant; mutant supremacist
Brotherhood of Mutant Supremacy; Summers Rebellion...  Marvel 8,371
The Beast The Beast (Hank McCoy) hero scientist
CBR Scale: ICBR Scale: S Episcopalian; agnostic
Academy of Tomorrow; Brotherhood of Mutants...  Marvel 5,233
Phoenix Marvel Girl (Jean Grey) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Metro College; The Twelve...  Marvel 1,905
Iceman Iceman (Bobby Drake) hero
CBR Scale: I Jewish Catholic
Secret Defenders; Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends...  Marvel 1,752
Angel Angel (Warren Worthington III) hero
CBR Scale: I Episcopalian
Academy of Tomorrow; Horsemen of Apocalypse...  Marvel 1,741
Professor X Professor X (Charles Xavier) hero scientist
CBR Scale: S religious
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 4,999
Merlin Demonspawn Warlock villain
CBR Scale: S primal-indigenous; Arthurian; occult/sorcerer
[born 10,000 years ago] Marvel 37
henchmen henchmen
villain group real/historical person
  [generic, unnamed henchmen] Marvel DC 1,150
Xavier Institute Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters supporting character group
  [high school] Marvel 373
X-Men X-Men hero group
  [1st app: The X-Men (vol. 1) #1 (Sep. 1963)] Marvel 9,958
horses horses
supporting character group real/historical person
CBR Scale: D N.A.
[animal species]   100
three winged unicorns three winged unicorns supporting character group
  horse; unicorns
[created scientifically; used by Warlock for transport]
Marvel 1
The Museum of the City of New York The Museum of the City of New York
supporting character group real/historical person
  [museum] Marvel 2
Thor Thor (Donald Blake)
(flashback cameo)
hero deity
CBR Scale: D Norse/Teutonic deity
Asgardian; Cosmic Avengers...  Marvel 4,362
police police
supporting character group real/historical person
  [generic listing] DC 28
unnamed museum staff unnamed museum staff
supporting character group
  [saw Warlock's body return to crypt in museum] Marvel 1
knights knights
(someone disguised or dressed as) 
supporting character group real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Christian (medieval)
[occupation] DC 10
Adolf Hitler Adolf Hitler
(character based on) 
villain real/historical person
CBR Scale: D Nazi
[1st app: Uma Kaeru (1935)] Shochiku Kinema 1,593
James Cagney James Cagney
(character based on) 
real/historical person
CBR Scale: I Catholic
[actor] Marvel 104
Sigmund Freud Sigmund Freud
(character based on) 
real/historical person
CBR Scale: M Jewish; Freudian
[psychologist] Marvel 104
Changeling Changeling (Kevin Sydney)
(behind the scenes) 
  Factor Three; X-Men Marvel 23
Magneto Magneto (Erik Magnus Lehnsherr)
villain hero scientist
CBR Scale: S Jewish; Gypsy/Roma
Brotherhood of Mutants; Genoshan Excalibur...  Marvel 916
Merlin the Magician Merlin the Magician (Merlin)
supporting character clergy/religious leader
CBR Scale: D Druid wizard, prophet
[King Arthur's chief advisor] DC Marvel 406
King Arthur King Arthur
hero real/historical person
CBR Scale: S Celtic Pagan; Christian (medieval)
[king] Marvel 831
The Avengers The Avengers
hero group
  [1st app: The Avengers (vol. 1) #1 (Sep. 1963)] Marvel 100
Factor Three Factor Three
villain group
  [1st app: The X-Men (vol. 1) #28 (Jan. 1967)] Marvel 44
Guinevere Guinevere
supporting character
CBR Scale: S Celtic Pagan; Christian (medieval)
[King Arthur's wife/consort] N.A. 453
Lancelot Lancelot
CBR Scale: S Celtic Pagan; Christian (medieval)
Knights of the Round Table
[King Arthur's trusted friend; Guinevere's lover]
N.A. 369

Reprints of this comic:
X-Men (vol. 1) #78 (Oct. 1972): "The Menace of Merlin!"