Primary Sources Indexed
Sources published in July 2005
68 sources
Amazing Fantasy (vol. 2) #8 (July 2005): "Motherless Country"
The Amazing Spider-Man (vol. 1) #520 (July 2005): "Acts of Aggression"
ArmorQuest: Genesis #1 (July 2005)
Astonishing X-Men (vol. 3) #11 (July 2005): "Dangerous: Part Five"
The Authority: Revolution #8 (July 2005): "The Shape of Things"
The Big Over Easy (2005)
Black Lagoon #4 (19 July 2005)
Black Panther (vol. 4) #4 (July 2005): "Who is the Black Panther? Part 4"
Captain America (vol. 5) #7 (July 2005): "The Lonesome Death of Jack Monroe"
Catholic Herald (July 2005): "Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan's Kid's Page"
Catwoman (vol. 3) #43 (July 2005): "Pest Control"
Charlie and the Chocolate Factory (2005)
Daredevil: Redemption #5 (July 2005): "Redemption, Part 5"
Digital Webbing Presents
District X #13 (July 2005): "One of Us, Part 1"
Gambit (vol. 4) #10 (July 2005): "X, Lies and Videotape"
GLA #2 (July 2005): "Dismembership Drive"
The Human Race #3 (July 2005): "Awakening, Part 3"
The Incredible Hulk (vol. 3) #81 (July 2005): "Tempest Fugit Conclusion"
JLA #114 (July 2005): "Enemies and Enemies and Enemies"
Livewires #4 (July 2005): "Fingers: Crossed"
Machine Teen #1 (July 2005): "History 101001, Part 1"
Marvel Knights 4 #18 (July 2005): "Divine Time, Part 4"
Marvel Knights Spider-Man #14 (July 2005): "Wild Blue Yonder, Part Two"
Marvel Nemesis: The Imperfects
Marvel Team-Up (vol. 3) #8 (July 2005): "Master of the Ring: Part 2"
Mutation #1 (July 2005)
The New Avengers (vol. 1) #7 (July 2005): "The Sentry: Part One"
New Thunderbolts #8 (July 2005): "A Shock to the System"
New X-Men
New X-Men: Hellions #1 (July 2005): "Fortune & Glory: Part One"
The OMAC Project #2 (July 2005): "There Is No I in Team"
Outsiders (vol. 3) #24 (July 2005): "The Insiders, Part 2 of 4"
The Path to Armageddon #1 (July 2005): "The Catalyst"
Plastic Man (vol. 4) #16 (July 2005): "The Edwina Crisis: Prologue, Part Two"
Power Pack
The Pulse #9 (July 2005): "Secret War, Part 4"
The Punisher (vol. 7) #21 (July 2005): "Up is Down and Black is White, Part Three"
Robin (vol. 4) #138 (July 2005): "The Freelance Doctrine"
Rogue (vol. 3) #11 (July 2005): "Forget Me Not: Part 5"
Runaways (vol. 2) #4 (July 2005): "True Believers: Chapter 4"
Seven Soldiers: Shining Knight #2 (July 2005): "Mood 7 Mind Destroyer"
Seven Soldiers: The Manhattan Guardian #2 (July 2005): "Homeless Superior"
Shanna, the She-Devil (vol. 2) #4 (July 2005): "The Killing Season, Part 4"
Sky High (2005)
Spellbinders #3 (July 2005): "Signs and Wonders, Part 3"
Spider-Girl (vol. 1) #86 (July 2005): "Family Business, Part 1"
Spider-Man / Human Torh #5 (July 2005): "Together Again"
Spider-Man Unlimited
Spider-Man: Breakout #2 (July 2005): "Breakout: Part 2"
Stormbreaker: The Saga of Beta Ray Bill #5 (July 2005): "Omega: The End"
Teen Titans (vol. 3) #24 (July 2005): "The Insiders: Part 1"
Toxin #2 (July 2005): "Cut to the Chase"
The Ultimates 2 (vol. 1) #6 (July 2005): "The Defenders"
Uncanny X-Men (vol. 1) #459 (July 2005): "World's End Conclusion: Bad Company"
Villains United #1 (July 2005): "And Empires in Their Purpose"
Wargod #1 (July 2005)
Wolverine (vol. 3) #28 (July 2005): "Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D.: Part 3"
X-23 (vol. 1) #6 (July 2005): "Innocence Lost: Part Six"
X-Men (vol. 2) #170 (July 2005): "Golgotha Conclusion: Fall-Out"
Young Avengers #4 (July 2005): "Sidekicks: Part 4"