Re: Religion in comic books
Apr 26, 2006 10:58 PM
<<<<As for that comment about christianity and despotism -- yeah, it was the fall of the roman empire and the total control of the RCC over europe that sent europe into the dark ages well into the 13th century. at least 700 years of ignorance. I perfer Roman Empire over 700 years of ignorance tyvm.>>>>
I know it's the party line to equate Christianity with the "dark ages", but in fact it was the Church and her monks who kept learning alive after the fall of Empire. The dissolution of the Empire from within due to a number of factors, the encroachment of Barbarians and Muslims from without, and plagues created the so called "dark ages" ( which, BTW,is a term credible historians have essentially eliminated from their vocabulary).
It was also Christianity which created the atmosphere where modern science and political thought ultimately developed and thrived, developing in the west while the rest of the world stayed still or reverted.
I'll recommend two books for anyone really interested in this: "How the Irish Saved Civilization" and "Christianity on Trial". Both are easy reads and very accessible. Also, "The Oxford History of Christianity" is a good source, though quite a bit longer. If you get really ambitious, "The Decline and Fall of The Roman Empire" is surprisingly entertaining and fun to read.
Twentieth century dicatators and would be tyrants like Mao, Lenin, Stalin, Pol Pot, Ho Chi Minh, Osama, et al have always tried to snuff out Christianity because they know it's incompatible with their own imperial designs. John Paul II is credited by most historians as the single most important individual contributing to the collapse of the Soviet Union. Tinpot dicatators in developing nations always seem to recognize this inherent incompatibility between Christianity and despotism.
The truth of my original statement is pretty self evident.