Re: Muslim characters in comics(general opinions please)
Feb 2, 2006 8:54 AM
http://service.spiegel.de/cache/international/0,1518,3 > 98708,00.html
> thanks for the post doc. Mr.de Leon's statement of
> how the lack of education amongst the Islamic youth
> remains a dangerous element.
How does one solve this when most Islamic nations teach Islam as the core of the circulum? The real issue isn't just education, but secualr education emphasizing a well rounded education, not just from the Muslim point of view.
As I've said before, if
> these kids are taught both of religion and worldly
> matters we may be able to stem terrorism. They go
> into terrorism because they believe it's right,
> because as far as the Madrasahs/Wahabbis are
> concerned, it's the only way to combat the
> "Imperialistic American Machine".
Scary part is, a lot of "moderate" muslims support this agenda as well. Your hands are still bloody if you watch the murder in the car, if you sit on the side a watch a murder and do little about it, you are complicit. If you blame everyone else for the murderers actions, you are complicit, regardless of what the koran says. Essentially, Muslims have to tackle this problem and I've seen very little done by Islamic nations to stop the problem. The USA didn't sell out their interests, we just buy it (a probelm in itself, i agree) their leaders do it daily. Its not just Osama, but the leaders of Egypt, Iran, Syria, etc etc
Muslims today
> forget the first word that the Arkangel Gabriel or
> Jibril as he's called in Arabic said to Muhammad:
> Iq'ra. Read (or recite in some translations). They've
> forgotten it...an I'm sorry to see it in such a
> state...
Of course they forget it. State sponsored brainwashing (education system) doesn't mention it, it only cites parts of the quran that perpetuates their wordly agenda that have little concern for the majority of muslims.
There comes a time where its not all the Western Powers faults and someone has to look in the mirror and say "These guys really aren't looking out for us," because from what I've seen of the rhetoric of high clerics that get press and al-jazeera, that mentality is being perpetuated and frankly, its as scary as any imperialist plot of any industrialized nation.
Its called deflection and triagulation. Many leaders in the Middle East believe as long as they can keep the West their enemy, they won't seem so bad in comparison, when in fact, what is really holding the Muslim people down are their own leaders. (Qadafi, hussein, King Hussein, the Mullahs of Iran, House of Saud, Syria, Pakistan's regional warlords.) Say what you want about the US, but we can have a revolution and a change in ideology every 4 years (sometimes 2 if you can switch the house), how possible is that in most Islamic countries? Not very....
The status quo isn't working. Saudi Arabia should have a booming economy when in fact many still live in poverty with strict codes of education that employ brainwashing tactics and give a singualr view of education. This is common in Iran, Syria, Egypt, India, Indonesia, and Pakistan.
It won't change until it changes from within, or until China needs oil so bad that they join the USA and wipe out the entire region...noone wants to see that....but certainly don't be naieve to think they won't do it, you only have ot look back as far as Tibet and Iraq to know, they certanly will.