Re: Muslim characters in comics(general opinions please)
Feb 1, 2006 12:14 AM
> LOL. You know Tex, when I saw you had replied to this
> thread I was scared shyitless that you were gonna
> drop a "texmex1ism" on board. Nice to see you on the
> thread man. Timmy, if you read my early posts you
> would have noticed that I have no love for Wahabiism
> either. In fact I would consider them filth...but
> that would mean I'm stooping to their level. I'm not
> saying that its Indonesian culture to kill destroy
> maim etc etc but what I was trying to say that
> religious fervour without the guidance of mainstream
> education and a lack of a stable government usually
> leads to unchecked violence, whether its
> religously/racialy/politically triggered or
> otherwise. We've seen this on countless occassions,
> the most brutal display of this was Rwanda. Outside
> the major cities of Indonesia in the kampung areas
> (that's Malay/Indonesian for village or rural) many
> young Muslims have no education outside of the
> madrasahs and as you said, they're likely
> 'infiltrated' or supported by Wahabiist. In the hands
> of a stable govenment like say...........Sing...apore
> (there goes the batcave...), where emphasis is put on
> mainstream education for all and an excellent
> infrastructure is in place (as oppressive as it is!
> We shall have our day!! ) violence or the growth
> of extremism can easily be nipped at the bud. I have
> nothing against the Indonesian people aside from the
> difficult language and I'm sure all the people you've
> met are as decent as you described them to be. I may
> be wrong on all counts and you may be right since you
> experience things first-hand there in Jakarta, so
> forgive this unenlightened soul and excuse my
> ignorance.
No excuse necessary and honestly sometimes a direct pet peeves of mine on people to get a reaction. You are not ignorant by any means. You are very well versed in the State of Islam....Simply, I wanted a reaction from you on Wahhabism and honestly, as I stated, I could read within your text that you were blaming this insiduous corruption of your faith called wahhabism for many atrocities, including giving the cowboy an excuse to go to war. You just never directly stated it and I was looking to see if you would. I don't know you personally, so this in no way is directed towards you (or any Thai Muslim for that matter), My experience is in Pakistan, India, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Iraq, Somalia, Malaysia, Turkey, Israel, Lebanon, among others. I get the opportunity to look at things from the outside looking in in a very intimate way, I married a muslim., who converted when she moved to the States when she went to college simply "because it was the first chance" she ever got to experience something other than Islam.
It is not stooping to their level by voting in Thailand for those who want to combat terroism. Write to your politicians and tell them that is not what islam is. not what I see when I go to the Al-Jezeera website or TV channel. I see Muslims, moderate muslims, praising Bin Laden. I see the Iranian President talking about genocide and the end of all times. I see polls showing the majority of Islam respecting what Al-quaeda does in the name of Allah. I see teenagers in the streets of Jakarta with Bin Laden T-shirts hailing him like he's the next Jesus Christ (oh its a western colloqialism not a profession of faith). When will Islam speak out against it? When will the clerics begin demanding the other Muslims reject the ideology?
The whole point of my sardonic, twitty rant about want frustrates me about some Islamic circles is two fold. They do not allow for free thought or opinion and most importantly, they are holding other Muslims down more than anyone they've every attacked globally. The war isn''t just on anything not Muslim, its against everything not THEIR form of Islam. They aren't just responsible for horrible things, but as a selfproclaimed moderate Muslim who believes in coexistance, they want you gone as well.
We were talking about growth of a religion and how it coincides with conversion. Someone stated it was because"It is a chance to have God in their everyday life" or something to that tonwe, I simply stated the ugly truth, that violence and coersion help the growth of Islam as well, just a really ugly form of it.
> Timmy: CYO? Christian Youth Organization? Or is it
> something like Catholism Wow! from Dogma? God I loved
> that movie so much I got a Catholic friend of mine a
> bust of Buddy Christ. Seriously, what is it? A
> Protestant sect or something else?
Yeah, at least that's what they called it when I was a kid. It was Lutheran, Catholic and a Presby schools. Kind of like Wow! in a 60's kind of way. It was immediate post-Vatican too and all peaceful and loving with lots of guitars and Mama's and the Poppa's Crosby, Stills, Nash and Young songs as I recall. I have a buddy Christ on my dashboard, funny stuff. Dogma was brilliant and it pointed out many things that were actually in favor of Catholicsm. The Cathloic Chruch as an organization kind of turned me off on them, much in the same way Islam has. I'm sorry, I really do have issue with the way most of Islam treats women, its disgusting for lack of a better word.
CYO is Christian youth organization. They sponsored basketball, soccer and baseball leages for girls and boys and planned dances (mixers) and retreats and activities. Made religion fun for a kid. THen I grew up and realized that 99 percent of establishment sucks, regardless whether it governmental establishment or religous, I realized anything made up of humans and run by humans by its very nature, was ****** up. Spirituality for me is something very personal and I am unsure any human dictate would be any more valid than my own, whether it be a Muslim cleric or the Pope.
> Message was edited by: sandwraith