Re: Muslim characters in comics(general opinions please)
Jan 29, 2006 1:44 PM
> > > >I am, however, pointing out that the violence
> is
> > > techincally apart of the religion. This can't be
> > said
> > > for Judaism or Christianity
> > >
> > > The hell it can't *cough*aneyeforaneye*cough*.
> >
> >
> > That was Hammurabi, not biblical...
> >
> > althought the Old Testament does condone violence
> in
> > the name of Yahweh, the New Testament is
> emphatically
> > pacifist, regardless of the things humans have
> done
> > in the name of Christ.
> Right. Christians are better than Jews, but at least
> they're both better than Muslims.
> How silly of me to forget the hierarchy.
> And I'm not going to match chapter and verse with
> anyone, because the only fairy tales I read are
> comics.
point is that it's patently absurd
> to claim that any one religion is inherently peaceful
> while all others (or any one particular other) is
> bellicose by definition.
Where does it say any of that? I was talking about texts, not religions. Religions miscontrue and detroy the text by their self-interests. nowhere does anyone claim that any of them are right or wrong. Just some texts are more pacifist. you've already shown your ignorance by infusing Babylonians Legal Code into the bible, keep talking, your lack of knowledge on this subject keeps shining through. If you are really going to be against something, would'nt it be proper to learn about it first, not just what you see on the propaganda machines like the NY Times and FoxNews?
> The New Testament is no exception. Some really,
violent public policy is shaped by a
> syzygy of neo-cons and Christian fundamentlists
> trying to turn that one last fairy tale into reality.
Agreed. But where does it say that in the NT? Just because someone lies and turns things into things that they are not, doesn't make it a representation of such. If you eon't actually cite text that proves your point, why talk at all when it is apparent you know very little about the text. the reliogions that arose from the text are not the texts themselves. please read the words that are typed. Nowhere does it say any of these reliogns is better or worse. The point is the texts of the religions, regarldess of the relions interpretation of them, is pacifist in the NT. Chrsitanity also hold the OT as scritpture, therefore, it has violnet texts as well. the point was the NT didn't. Putting words in someones mouths a nisrepresenting what they said (which is what you did) is the same thing the Neo-cons do, (By the way selfproclaimed Neocons have a lot of Jewish names (wolfawitz, kissinger, goldwater, abramhoff. fleischer, Mehlman....why would the use the NT to prove a point?) If you want to infuse your political leanings into a discussion, please understand what it is you are talking about first. I ca'nt imagine a bunch of believing Jews would use the NT for the inpiration to form policy. although I agree the neoconservatism is violent and agressive and has little forethought, I disagree it is inspired by NT text, porbalby more by self-interest, oil interest and imperialistic attitudes).
> You know, there is a part of me that wants to believe
> in sentience after death against all reason just so
> that there would be some way these dumb-a$$ nutjobs
> who actively
a nuclear holocaust to
> transpire in the middle east and wipe out all life on
> earth can have their collective noses rubbed in it
> just once before dropping off into the infinite chasm
> of experiential oblivion.
eesh....what a ridiculous reactive statement. First you pounce on a group for being aggressive then you justify it for your own means. to prove someone wrong. In other words it not ok for them to kill, but its ok for everyone to die just to prove your point....silly...
> I kind of wish the folks who don't understand that
> the
Left Behind
books really are just works of
> fiction would just rapture on out of here and leave
> the planet to the able-brained.
no doubt. not the point of the post at all, but you apparently read into it whatever you pleased. Most history books are works of fiction as well...everyone has their own perspective.
> Of course, I don't have any kind of problem with any
> person of faith who understands that scripture is
> comprised entirely of
Agreed, and again show me where the NT espouses where its ok to kill another human for any reason?