Re: Muslim characters in comics(general opinions please)
Jan 29, 2006 12:00 PM
> > The invention of the
> > "jihad" and the raiding party traditions are both
> > intricacies of the religion. i.e. violence is
> > inherent within the philosphy of Islam--Again, I
> am
> > not saying all Muslim's are violent. I am,
> however,
> > pointing out that the violence is techincally
> apart
> > of the religion. This can't be said for Judaism or
> > Christianity.
> Are you friggin'
? Someone's trying to
> hide some religous bigotry under a thin veneer of
> pseudo-intellectualism. Genesis 4:1-26 starts off
> proving you wrong pretty early.
I agree, but Genesis is not the Koran. In fact, the Koran discounts Genesis with its own Creation stories and own interpretations of the beginnig of time. The Koran has its fair share of violence. A few to wet your whistle with...
a few other nifty quotes
Sura 9:5 - "So when the sacred months have
passed away, then slay the idolaters wherever you find them, and take them captives and besiege them and lie in wait for them in every ambush"
Thats a sweet message (noted sardonic tone). So peaceful. Turn the other cheek, so to speak. Not if someone is an unbeliever try to evangelize, but torture them and kill them. There is no bigotry in actually reading what the Koran says. It is clearly barbaric. As is the Old testament. Christianity has a violent history, but there is no basis for it in the New teatament or in the words of their god, Jesus Christ. so although the words themselves are pacifists, the humans that have been in charge of the religion have ignored the message for centuries.
From the things I've read in the koran, its a fairly bigoted religion if little else. Many Christian faiths (and Hindu, Jewish and Sikh for that matter) are bigoted in this way as well. Eternal damnation for non-believers. Interesting. It basically says those who don't believe will die some horrid death an have some horrid afterlife. It also claims that allah kills not only for vengence but sometimes just to make a point. It also claims that sometimes it is man's job to fight god's war for him. Its God's will to kill others....this I have a hard time with.
fight god's war.....interesting...
I'm all for believing what you want to believe, but when you start killing people over it, well, that just wrong. Its not self-defense to say "you talk bad about my reliogn so therefore you should di.e"The cathollic faith did it for 1600 or so years but finally was "put back" where it belonged. Maybe this should happen to Islam.
Jihad certainly is defined in several ways, but all of them are violent. Some Muslims believe its a defensive strategy "Jihad against those who try to take a way of life, " yet other clerics see it as a way to expand Muslim influence, espcially in wahhabbist circles. Yet, the Shiites have hteir share of cleric who believe as well, that the world belongs to Islam and its theirs for the taking.
Einstein told us as long as we prepare for war, there will be no peace. I think some Muslim mentality (and many, many countries, including the US of A) should take heed in this warning.
So if there is inclusion of religion in comic books, lets be acurate in its representation. Not some politically correct version of it.